Gabrielė Kuizinaitė
International visual contemporary artist and photograher Gabrielė Kuizinaitė, lives and creates in Kaunas, in Lithuania. 2003 years she was finished Vytautas Magnus University, Institute of Arts and obtain art criticism speciality. Since
than she started to interesting in visuals arts and photography field, she started
to writing about photography exhibitions and curating visuals arts exhibitions.
2005-2007 years she was studied at Vilnius Academy of Arts, at UNESCO cathedra and obtain master degree in cultural management field. Since 2008 years she is a member of Lithuanian photographers union, also she is a member of foreign arts associations and galleries. She was organized more than 200 exhibitions and wrote more than 200 articles. “I am writing articles about Lithuanian photographers and organizing Lithuanian and foreign artists photographers exhibitions. „
Since 2019 years she started to creating pictures and take participate in her personal and collective exhibitions. She was organized 4 personals exhibitions and take participated in 100 internationals collective exhibitions in art field and
photography exhibitions in Europe countries: in Italy (2023) in Paris (2022),
India, Greece, Indonezia, Hungary, Jordania and other countries too.

Leonardas Tūras

Leonardas Tūras is a Lithuanian artist born in 1982, his educational background is composed of experiences such as a Master of Visual Arts at the VDU Education Academy and a Bachalor Degree in Audiovisual Arts -obtained at the Music and Theather Academy of Lithuania; member of both Lithuanian Artist Association and Eurasian Union of Artist since 2019, Leonardas’s artistic creation is a splendid expression of Contemporary Art. Tūras discovered his real “artistic nerve” in 2017 while he was working on his final master’s thesis “From funds of a dream” from this moment on after a big production of acrylic art, oil paintings, paintings made with pencil and AI-generated moving pictures, the Lithuanian artist started to develop his own unique technique that leads him to gain over than 20 personal exhibition and 80 prestigious awards in various countries (“Vanguard Today”, Moscow 2019; “Grand Gala  Award” digital art festival In Monaco 2019- 2020 -2021 – 2023;  “Spain Art Week”, Barcelona 2020).

Since 2019 his technique enabled to creation three – dimensional visions in digital graphics, In order to produce top-quality relief-free coloured abstractions, L. Tūras works with the most delicate smallest watercolour brush. His artworks don’t aim to shock; to great extent, they radiate the vibrant depth of colours, surprisingly inviting the viewer to abandon the limited rationalism. Leonardas Tūras is a representative of subconscious creativity. He relies on his dreams, images, moods, states, atmospheric capture, and reflections caused by spiritual literature.

Simonas Gutauskas

S. Gutauskas was born on
1965, In Vilnius, Lithuania.
In 1990 graduated
from Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, Faculty of Monumental Painting,
stained glass studies. Since 1999 Member of the Union of Lithuanian
Artists. He works in the field of stained
glass and painting and held over 30 solo exhibitions in Lithuania.

The painter Simonas Gutauskas, as the creator himself says, is called "an artist who becomes light". Light is his sign. And it is one of the most important elements not only in painting. Light is a source of peace, inspiration, and more importantly, confirmation that darkness is temporary and can be overcome. It is a promise of hope that each of us desperately needs today.The paintershares the light he finds in nature: embracing tree trunks, playing hide and seek with shadows, reflecting on the surfaces of rivers and lakes, stretching towards the unfathomable sky. Light fills every stroke of the artist and spreads across the surface as he touches the canvas. We want to talk about the light found in the painter's paintings, because it gives more than hope - it strengthens faith.It ‘s not only the light that draws the viewer closer to the paintings of S. Gutauskas. In the painter's work, light interacts with space - for a look, a feeling, an experience. In some canvases, the light opens up only a fragment of space, defined by the density of trees, as if calling to focus on things here and now, in others, the light spreads far away, showing new, wide horizons. The artist, as if by the hand, leads the viewer through the paintings, sharing the secret of how light is born. Light that helps to restore the relationship with nature, time, with oneself, with one's inner world. Which is both big and small. Full of light and hiding shadows. Colored and sometimes monochrome.

I create, I don’t try to surprise anyone, I
just look for depth, divinity and light. My
paintings are reflections of spaces, visions, far removed from
realistic landscapes. Rather, I paint fragments of childhood
dreams, past or future lives. In the golden or purple blades of the
waves, in the blooming suns, in the clouds melting like wax, I feel
the great power that created us and everything around us“,
says the author.